The time came when Cassandra’s boyfriend became a cheating bad boy. A lesson was needed, and in order.
A tiny boy prison for Ms. Cassandra's naughty, cheating boyfriend!She decided to shrink him down to a tiny boy of two inches and  become the Giantess she was capable of.

In the mountains of Peru and Mexico, she learned about shamanism, shape-shifting, and magical plant potions. It was time to get in touch with her benefactor in Mexico for some supplies. It was time to hone in on her doll house building skills and make a very secure prison, all in metal.

When the supplies arrived, the tea was served to the arrogant one. She sat there with a smirk as she sewed the tiniest of jail wear, a black stripped jumpsuit.

“What in the world is that?” he asked.

“This is the last of your new wardrobe in this fashion. The sissy wear will soon follow,” she replied.

“Wha?” he said. Then he noticed he was shrinking quickly. He was a two inch man, a tiny boy, his clothing falling off in a pile.

She scooped him up in her palm and told him his fate, in the metal doll house prison he admired when he walked in. He was thrown into it and immediately grabbed a prison jumpsuit. The accommodations were very comfortable. Then she began to tell him his future.

“This is permanent. Never again will you play the stud, from now on you are imprisoned in this structure. Of course you won’t want to escape to my playful hungry cat. You will be feminized and humiliated. You will depend entirely upon me. Your view is the big barbecue. Be careful, tiny boy. You know I love hot dogs. Hahahaha….sleep tight”.


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