What’s your giantess domination fantasy? The more I talk with those who have a penchant for giantess domination the more you tickle my imagination! I’ve talked with some who imagine themselves a half of an inch tall , all the way to two feet tall! I find the fantasy quite titillating on many levels.
Giantess Domination
Giantess Domination is really the ultimate domination. As the Giantess you literally have the ability to have control over the tiny man’s very being.
Imagine a one inch man, all he could hope to do is avoid detection all together! Giantesses are just too massive to engage. A small nudge from her finger would send you flying across the room. When she does spot you, annoyed at first. How long have you been there she bellows! Trembling and yells: “not long Mistress, I just arrived!” was the lie you told. You wind up her jewelry tender, put to work in her large jewelry chest. Polishing and cleaning her rings and things.
Sensual Giantess Domination
I do find having a tiny man, perhaps 5″-7″ tall very erotic and have greatly enjoyed creating a Sensual Giantess and an erotic scene for my tiny to pleasure his Goddess Giantess. Make no mistake, the size of the man is totally deliberate and I find the idea of using a man of that size, as my tiny dildo delicious! Enjoying massages from a dozens of tiny strong fore-arms and hands is another favorite fantasy. The tiny men adoring their beautiful Giantess. Both in love and in fear of the same vixen. The tension created naturally with such a large size differential. Perhaps the promise of full size keeping the tiny men in check and with hope!
Your Giantess Domination Fantasy
The list is really endless, and I can mention dozens of other tiny men , giantess scenes. Finding yourself a Giant in a tiny world after being washed up on shore after an accident. Practically being thrust-ed into sainthood ,having village after village of tiny people three inches high tend to your every need. I mean every need! Super hero tiny and giantess, with a built in antagonist to aid to the tension between characters. But I am going on. I want to know: what is your Giantess Domination Fantasy? Leave comments here or give me a call! 1-800-601-6975 ask for Giantess Erika!
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