A beautiful, giant 50 foot woman thunders down Main Street. How or why she grew that large is unknown right now, and does it really matter? This Giantess stereotype of the the Sexy Destructive Woman has come true before your eyes! Some people scatter, fleeing from her. Others frozen, transfixed in their place, as the dangerous giantess makes her way through town. No one knows where she came from, what she wants or even what she’ll do. All they know is, she is leaving destruction in her wake, and they are at her mercy.
Mesmerized by a Giant 50 Foot Woman
You saw her long shapely legs. Shading your eyes, you peer from the bus window, heart beating wildly.
At the other end of street you are on a bus,

Giant 50 foot woman 1-800-601-6975
stopped in the middle of the road. Driver having long ago abandoned his post. Fleeing for his own safety, leaving you and a dozen others stranded on the bus. Most ran off in search of shelter, a few cowered in the back. You, you hang at the window closest to her. Looking up as her steps boom down the road. You watch as street lights snap like twigs under her feet. Cars crushed. Carelessly, she swings her arms, catching them on roofs and ripping them open. Your brain screaming danger, yet all your body can do is stare, looking higher and higher up those long, shapely legs to the red underpinnings, which came into view as she stomps ever closer.
What will this Giantess Do
Reaching down picking up the bus you are in, hefty she notes, as she lifts it up and holding it in one palm. Lifting it to eye level, she laughs at the sight of tiny people cowering inside. You, hanging onto the window closest to her face, feeling your body pull with gravity as she moves it this way and that. Poking her giant finger into and smashing through the window next to you, she crooks her finger to touch you. “Who is this?” her voice soft, but booms in your ears. Not knowing why, but you are feeling overwhelmingly compelled by some unknown force.
You find yourself turning and latch onto her finger, arms wrapping around hugging it tight. Her power is intoxicating you are drawn to her Giantess Domination, as your submissive self envelopes your very being. Pulling you from the bus, your back firmly scraping against the window frame you scream, and shudder and wonder, why? Why are you drawn to be with her, near her. She could so easily injure you! Raising you to her large face, with you looking up, heart slamming, body shaking and cock fully erect. She smiles at you……………Mmmm.
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Giantess Erika